š° Guides

When I started DoubleStack my goal was to share where to go and what to get. Comparing it to how others share their experience, the critical missing piece was when to go. Some might call places "destination-worthy" or "the best..." but these are not useful and highly subjective.
Each time I write about a place, I like to include information about how or why I chose a place. The context is important. What might be a fantastic experience while catching up with friends may not be a good fit for an anniversary dinner. When I pick places I like to be mindful of that. Guides on DoubleStack are the evolution of that framework.
Guides will be the first paid-only piece of content. It's paid because it takes concentrated effort to put together. Everything I currently post on DoubleStack is just my daily life. For guides, I need to specifically search out the right places, experience them, and then write about them. DoubleStack is intended to be independent and paid content is one way we can keep it that way.
The first guide is about doing your self-guided pizza crawl in Williamsburg. It's got 5 placesā 1 old school, 1 new school, 2 non-New York, and 1 rest stop. This guide, like future guides, is designed to be a living document. I'll keep them updated with all the new places I go. So when I get a new pizza in Williamsburg, this will get updated.
Guides will be global. Over time, if you travel, I'll have a resource for you. I've planned a few others that you can expect in the coming weeks:
- Where to go before and after Knicks games (or other events at MSG)
- Burgers in New York City
- Breakfast Tacos in New York City
Nothing will change for free members. You'll continue to see all the places I go and what I think. There won't be any fewer places or anything like that. Guides are new and there's only one. If you switch to a paid member today, that's all you'll get access to. You'll also be supporting DoubleStack. If, and when, you choose to upgrade is your choice. I'm eager to keep writing for all of you regardless!
If you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy sharing them, please consider buying me a coffee. I might just write about it. ā Buy me a coffee.
What's New This Week
Pizza, burgers, croissants, and bagels. It's been a very good week! A New York week with French, Korean, and Detroit influences.