It's been a little time since I made regular posts on DoubleStack. I didn't want to slow down the rhythm of the posts I had earlier this year. Life got in the way. I didn't stop taking pictures or saving notes from my dining experiences–all the burgers, pizza, and everything else.
The good part is I have a backlog stretching back to February. The bad part is I have a backlog stretching back to February. It's going to take some time to catch up. Some visits are from cold weather months and the menu may have changed. I'll still share those because the menu will swing back around.
Many of the places aren't in New York! Since February I've visited Melbourne, Phuket, Bangkok, Seattle, and San Francisco. Burgers from Melbourne, Mango Sticky Rice from Thailand, a little bit of everything from Seattle, and a lot of meat from San Francisco.
As a subscriber, you'll be the first to read it. I'm going to stick with the cadence I built up before. A few posts were published that were not emailed. These are smaller or less significant meals or sometimes drinks. On Monday or Tuesday, you can expect an email that covers a big meal or a personal interview. It'll get emailed to subscribers. Then these Thursday digests with some thoughts and links to the recent posts will land in your inbox.
What's New This Week
Three quick hitters in the past week to get it all flowing. The martini and beignets from Ray's Bar, a latte flavor I had never seen before at Burly Coffee, and an egg katsu breakfast sandwich at Little Egg.
If you miss the weekly burger, I linked the unheralded Motel Morris burger which I wrote about in May.

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If you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy sharing them, please consider buying me a coffee. I might just write about it. ☕ Buy me a coffee.